Compliance Specialist

Compliance Specialist

  • Municipiul Bucuresti, Strada B-DUL. TIMISOARA (PLAZA ROMANIA), numar 26, bloc - , intrare -, etaj 2 Municipiul Bucuresti ROU
  • Diploma de licenta
  • Temporar
  • Sediul Central
  • Mega Image
  • Store

Ai nevoie doar de:

  • Atentie la detalii
  • Creativitate
  • Orientare spre solutii
  • Intelegerea business-ului
  • Abilitati de colaborare
  • Abilitati analitice
  • Abilitati interpersonale

De ce Mega Image?

  • Încurajăm și sprijinim diversitatea colegilor noștri
  • Recunoaștem performanța celor mai buni
  • În Comunitatea Mega ne definește puterea lui "împreună"

Compliance Specialist

Acest job nu mai este disponibil

These will be your responsibilities:

  • Promote a strong culture of Ethics and Integrity within the company, proposing, implementing and monitoring specific internal rules and procedures and also planning and delivering quality compliance training programs, in close coordination with the global E&C team;
  • Develop, implement, communicate and maintain the Compliance &Ethics plan;
  • Draft and propose specific Compliance &Ethics policies and monitor correct and timely implementation;
  • Centralize and follow up internal and external complaints regarding Labor legislation, company rules and Ethics and Integrity principles and values (such as conflict of interests, abusive or discriminatory behavior, etc);
  • Perform on – site investigations in order to monitor compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies, follow up and ensure proper documentation for all reported compliance incidents and complaints, according to company policies and legal procedures, in close coordination with HR and Operations departments;
  • Participate to internal disciplinary investigations;
  • Draft and present periodic reports to the Company or Group management related to Compliance risks(e.g.: listing the cases, status updates, risk assessments and proposing appropriate solutions or corrective measures);
  • Initiate and propose internal policies and procedures targeting to avoid or limit Compliance and Ethic issues, as well as reviewing materials, procedures, policies, etc. proposed by other departments, in order to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements;
  • Perform due diligence on contractual partners (sanctions screening, PEPs, ownership etc.) and implement measures for ongoing assessment of the associated risks
  • Keep up to date with, and understand relevant laws and regulations


It’s necessary that you came up with:

  • Prior experience on a Compliance & Ethics position minimum 3 years;
  • Education: Law School, Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree;
  • Ability to perform legal analysis, research and writing legal correspondence;
  • Language: Excellent command of written and spoken English;
  • Strong leadership and motivational skills;
  • Forensic auditing, investigation and interview skills;
  • An excellent understanding of ethics, regulations, and laws;
  • Ability to function independently and also as a member of a large team;
  • Excellent communication skills both verbal and written, as well as presentation and reporting skills;
  • Loyal and with high sense of integrity and a personality that inspires trust;
  • Clean criminal record.


The advantages of being #mega:

  • Compensation and benefits varied package;
  • Meal ticket card;
  • Annual performance bonus to reward your work across the year;
  • Medical subscription;
  • Discounts for Mega Image Own Brand products;
  • Internal recognition events for all our colleagues;
  • Financial support for special events in your life;
  • Discounts dedicated to book lovers, shopping enthusiasts and to those who want to stay "in shape";
  • Career path and internal mobility.


In Mega Image, we support diversity, regardless of gender, generation, level of education, social status, ethnicity, nationality, disabilities, religious and sexual orientations, and we commit to building an inclusive work environment so that every colleague has a place in #ComunitateaMega.


We're waiting for you in #ComunitateaMega! Apply for this role, and if your profile matches, we will invite you for an interview to get to know each other.

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