Ce oferim:
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De ce Mega Image?
Talent Acquisition & Recruitment Expert
Acest job nu mai este disponibil
For more than 28 years, in Mega Image, success stories have been written over long periods of time. They are written by people for whom the passion for excellence, the loyalty and the desire to succeed regardless of situations or challenges represent a way of living and of continuous self-development.
These will be your responsibilities:
- Carries out internal/ external recruitment activities to fill vacancies at Mega Image headquarters and regional (CSE Ahold Delhaize), mainly in the area of Digitalization and Technology
- Responsible for maintaining the relationship with the management team in the assigned departments in order to establish the ideal candidate profile;
- Manage and use appropriate recruitment sources to fill vacant positions within the organization;
- Responsible for conducting direct search actions for assigned talent acquisition projects;
- Manages the process of completing, forwarding and signing offers of employment to successful candidates within assigned recruitment and selection projects;
- Provides and manages the scheduling of the selected candidates for the medical examination;
- Fill in employment forms in the system, as well as other necessary documents and manages the process of signing the employment contract with the future employee;
- Responsible for managing the onboarding process of new employees at HQ (e.g.: introductory e-mail, company tour, completion of new employee onboarding questionnaire);
- Regularly fills in and submits progress reports on the status of managed recruitment projects;
- Collects information on short-medium-long term recruitment needs for all business areas, prioritizing recruitment needs in the operational and logistics areas;
- Responsible for identifying and activating new search channels for the organization's portfolio;
- Manages the existing search channels specific to the business areas and ensures partnerships with suppliers, ensuring the fulfillment of orders;
- Promote career opportunities in the organization by generating interest in the candidate market through any initiative involving the activation of neutral candidates through the use of new channels in the Mega Image portfolio (direct approach, new partnerships, career events, campaigns, new websites, etc);
- Responsible for identifying and initiating contact and developing relationships with neutral candidates relevant to the organization (including alumni communities);
- Identifies and initiates partnerships with local authorities to support recruitment projects carried out by the teams dedicated to the operational and logistical area, facilitating opportunities (based on a dedicated request from them, in case of areas with difficulty in attracting candidates);
- Is responsible for outreach and networking in professional groups and specific targeted communities;
- Manages the process of analyzing the market and prospecting competitors in the retail industry to identify the diversity of career opportunities, specific initiatives used, communication messages, benefits, etc.;
- Analyzes and identifies opportunities in the labor market, developing and maintaining relationships with placement agencies and ensuring a consistent process for recruitment teams to access the respective candidate pools;
- Responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with local recruitment agencies,
- Plan and manage the participation in local career events (online or offline) and is responsible for measuring, reporting and centralizing established KPIs;
- Represent the company at job fairs or other specific events;
- Develops and maintains partnerships with state institutions (ANOFM, DGASPC), education (high schools and universities), NGOs from various backgrounds, etc.;
- Manages and is responsible for proposing and implementing recruitment campaigns tailored to the needs of the organization;
- Is responsible for defining, developing and implementing recruitment initiatives for semi-skilled and unskilled labor;
- Manages the internal referral program within the organization (approach, flows, communication/promotion plans);
- Responsible for the reporting and evaluation process of sourcing channels and proposes ways to optimize.
You won't be doing this on your own, but with a team that likes working with and for people.
It’s necessary that you come with:
- Bachelor's degree;
- Previous experience of minimum 3 years in recruitment;
- Advanced written and spoken English skills;
- Very good communication and interpersonal skills.
So, here you have the advantages of being #mega:
- Varied compensation and benefits package;
- Annual performance bonus to reward your work across the year;
- Discounts for Mega Image Own Brand products;
- Internal recognition events for all our colleagues;
- Financial support for special events in your life;
- Discounts dedicated to book lovers, shopping enthusiasts and to those who want to stay "in shape";
- Career path and internal mobility.
If this position doesn’t ring a bell for you, but you know someone who’d be a good fit, feel free to spread the news.
At Mega Image, we support diversity, regardless of gender, generation, education, social status, ethnicity and nationality, disability, religious and sexual orientation, and we are committed to working together to build an inclusive work environment so that every colleague has a place in the #MegaCommunity.
We look forward to seeing you in the #MegaCommunity! Apply for this role, and if your profile fits, we'll invite you for an interview to get to know us.
Iată pașii procesului de selecție
1 Aplică
Trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Dacă te potrivești pentru acest rol, colegii noștri din echipa de recrutare te vor contacta în cel mai scurt timp.
2 Interviul
După caz, acesta va fi online sau față în față la sediul central sau într-unul dintre magazinele sau depozitele noastre. În această etapă avem ocazia să te cunoaștem mai bine. Abia așteptăm să povestim și să descoperi #ComunitateaMega!
3 Oferta și semnarea contractului
Dacă te potrivești pentru acest rol vei primi o ofertă însoțită de toate informațiile cu privire la pachetul de compensații și beneficii și la contractul de muncă. După semnarea documentelor urmează o etapă de inducție în organizație, astfel încât să te familiarizezi treptat cu valorile, spiritul și cultura noastră și să te simți Mega!
4 Bine ai venit la Mega!
Felicitări! De acum ești parte din #ComunitateaMega și ne bucurăm pentru că atunci "Când suntem împreună, suntem Mega!"