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Commercial Insights & Analytics Superviser Manager
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Join our team as a Commercial Insights & Analytics Supervising Manager! This role offers an exciting opportunity to lead a team, develop strategic analyses, and make data-driven recommendations that will drive our business forward. If you’re passionate about analytics, enjoy working in a collaborative environment, and looking for a challenging role, we invite you to apply.
Main Responsibilities
- Lead and collaborate with a dynamic team to develop and implement the annual strategy and action plan.
- Collaborate with various departments to verify, validate, and analyze market trends, playing a key role in supporting critical business decisions.
- Coordinate and develop new models or requirements for analysis and reporting, covering multiple financial, commercial, or logistic KPIs, offering a chance to showcase your analytical skills.
- Lead the team in defining and making on-demand dashboards and insights reporting packages for the Commercial department using BI tools, allowing you to directly contribute to our data-driven approach.
- Collaborate with various teams to evaluate and analyze the performance of categories, products, and suppliers, offering a chance to work cross-functionally and enhance your teamwork skills.
- Supervise and collaborate with the team in the process of store level analysis, make recommendations for optimizing the floorplan, and find opportunities for improving sales and profitability.
Experience & Skills
- Minimum of 2+ years of experience in business intelligence, commercial or financial data analytics or reporting, preferably in the Retail/ FMCG sector
- Bachelor’s or master’s degree in economics, commerce, finance, or statistics
- Demonstrated experience in team management or evidence of strong coordinating skills
- Strong organizational, planning, and time management skills
- Advanced analytical skills, with a focus on reporting, visualization, and storytelling
- Proficiency in working with MS Office Suite
- Experience with BI tools is highly desirable (MS Power BI, SAP BI, etc.)
- A self-directed, innovative thinker with a meticulous attention to detail
- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
- Proficiency in English is required

Colegii mei au spirit de echipă și umor. Lucrăm cu multă responsabilitate și întotdeauna îndeplinim cu succes proiectele noastre. În același timp ne place să petrecem toate momentele împreună, într-un mod cât mai plăcut.
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1 Aplică
Trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Dacă te potrivești pentru acest rol, colegii noștri din echipa de recrutare te vor contacta în cel mai scurt timp.
2 Interviul
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3 Oferta și semnarea contractului
Dacă te potrivești pentru acest rol vei primi o ofertă însoțită de toate informațiile cu privire la pachetul de compensații și beneficii și la contractul de muncă. După semnarea documentelor urmează o etapă de inducție în organizație, astfel încât să te familiarizezi treptat cu valorile, spiritul și cultura noastră și să te simți Mega!
4 Bine ai venit la Mega!
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